Aviation Medical Exam Q&A
When can the medical be renewed?
Medicals can be renewed up to 45 days before current certificate expiry.
How do I book in?
Please complete the Contact me form fully
To avoid disappointment, please appreciate I may not always be able to respond to phone calls the same day.
An online booking system is work in progress.
Which medicals can Mark provide?
CAA Class 1 Medical (Wilmslow, WIProgress for Fife)
CAA Class 2 Medical
CAA Cabin Crew Medical
FISO Medical
UK Parachute Medicals
Pilots please ensure you have applied this year for your renewal revalidation medical for CAA cellma portal, a medical cannot be conducted until this is completed
Pitfall: beware the pitfall that after applying for the medical on CAA cellma portal you MAY need to pay CAA an applciation fee (applies to class 1 and class2)
What medicals is Mark NOT authorised to provide?
EASA medicals.Due to Brexit I am no longer authorised to provide EASA medicals.The website will publish if and when I regain that authorisation.
What days are A M Exams typically offered? (please ask should you need another time /day)
Typically Friday afternoon, or Monday mornings, or other times by arrangement.
Where are the A M Exams conducted?
The premises approved by CAA include:-
Based at Wilmslow-physio,
20A Grove Street
Can Mark initiate treatment if required?
Although the A M Examiner is a regulatory role, Mark is happy to sign post you to the necessary doctor for further assessment or treatment.
Top Tips: What do I need to do before the AME?
Arrive well rested
Bring photo ID eg. driver licence or passport
Bring recent spectacles / contact lens eye prescription (which must be within 3 months of AMExam)-this item is the most commonly forgotten item by pilots attending the AME
Bring current / most recent medical certificate
Bring list of medications
Bring your pilots licence
Bring payment (BACS payment preferred, cash or cheque accepted too)
What should I avoid doing prior to the AME?
do NOT exercise strenuously in preceding 24hr
do NOT eat a curry immediately prior to exam (this can affect the ECG)
do NOT drink too much caffeine prior to the exam
do NOT have very cold drinks prior to the ECG
do NOT empty your bladder immediately prior to examination (alternatively bring a fresh same day sample)
do NOT wear contact lenses during the examination
do NOT post correspondence/ cheques to The Alex. Hospital
Will anyone else be there?
All female pilots and cabin crew examinations are conducted with a chaperone present. Any male pilots are welcome to also have a chaperone present (with advance notice at the time of booking).
Please note the General Medical Council (GMC) Guidance which governs my practice:
The patient should be offered a ‘chaperone' during intimate examinations. This applies whether or not the Dr is same gender as the patient.
2.The GMC has recently issued guidance on mentoring and separately revalidation, so from time to time another doctor may observe and audit my service provision.
So what is examined?
It aims to be a thorough top to toe examination and is prescribed by the CAA ( I will email you the Medical Examination form that we work through together).
So typically height, weight, Urine test, Hearing, vision, chest and heart, heart tracing ECG, abdomen, joints, spine, mental state, blood test may be done to rule out anaemia, and lipid blood test may be indicated depending on risk of heart disease.
It should be noted that unless pilots conduct self examination of breasts / testes then the CAA also expect these to be examined.
How long does the examination take?
A pilot should allow 1hr for the examination, and cabin crew should allow 30 minutes for the examination, but please note the efficiency of that will depend on me receiving all requested documents from you in advance.
Does Mark keep my GP informed?
There may be occasion where further investigation of a problem requires the coordination of your GP.
Service to LAPLicence holder and GPs
If your GP needs to refer you to me please use this form
LAPL GP referral to AME form
Link: http://www.caa.co.uk/default.aspx?catid=49&pagetype=90&pageid=7099
Bloop pressure issues
I've been told I have white coat syndrome (or I am taking Bp medications)and my Bp always goes up at a medical, what can I do to achieve satisfactory Bp at the medical
This is a really common issue.I advise the following
do four consecutive days of Bp readings at rest, twice in the morning at rest, twice in evening at rest.And keep a record on word or excel file
And to minimise elevated Bp:-
Avoid exercise prior to the Bp
Avoid smoking prior to Bp
Avoid caffeine (stimulant drinks) prior to Bp
Avoid full bladder prior to Bp
Avoid applying cuff over clothing
Avoid talkingfidgeting during the measurement
Avoid crossing your legs
Ensure it is an arm cuff, as wrist Bp /finger Bp reading is unreliable
Ensure you are calm at rest with your back supported during Bp
Ensure the cuff size is appropriate for your arm if muscular or large
Ensure you have taken your Bp medication as prescribed